Few Tricks How To Make The Perfect Pie

When someone says “Pie”, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Pleasant smell, shape, grandma, whip cream, cherry, or all of the above. One thing is for sure: it generates good memories.

Different regions have different process for making pie. American pie has dough on the bottom which is called “shell”. You can make it from the scratch, or buy prebaked or unbaked. Filling goes over crust. On the top goes a pie-cover, or decorative dough net. Depending on ingredients that are used, pie may be baked or frozen or just chilled.

Another way to make pie is by using Phyllo Dough. You can make a pie out of almost anything using phillo dough. It could be sweet or salty. It could be arranged in layers, or rolled like strudels.

Another way is to use puff pastry on the bottom and make unlimited number of fillings. Also it could be used to cover fruits like for French upside down apple pie.

Tips And Tricks How To Make The Perfect Pie - How to A to Z
American Apple Pie

If you want to make American pie, here are some tips

1. Crust will be better and easier to make if all the ingredients are cool.

2. The lower crust should be placed in the pan so that it covers surface smoothly. Air pockets beneath the surface will push the crust out of shape while baking. If there is an air bubble, puncture it with toothpick before putting filing.

3. Folding the top crust over the lower crust before crimping will keep juice in the pie.

4. In making custard pie, bake at a high temperature for about ten minutes to prevent a soggy crust. Then finish baking at a low temperature.

5. When making cream pie, sprinkle crust with powdered sugar in order to prevent it from becoming soggy.

Pies from Phyllo dough

1. After pie is taken from the oven, cover it with moistened kitchen paper and put kitchen towel over. It will make it nice and soft.

2. Find brand of Phyllo dough in your area that is easy to separate sheets. They are at the freezer section of the store. To taw them, follow the instructions on the box.

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