Sore Throat Remedy

Sore Throat Remedy - How to A to ZAnother name for Sore Throat Remedy is Caramel Milk. It is a tasty, healthy winter drink for kids as well as for the adults, and at the same time it is big help for the sore throat at any time of the year. This sweet drink has a soothing effect on burning sensations in a sore throat. As a natural healing remedy, a person should drink caramel milk in small sips at a warm temperature. At the time when person has a sore throat, they should avoid extremely cold and hot drinks because neither is desirable.

To prepare this sore throat remedy you need only couple of things:

 – 2 teaspoon of white sugar
 – 1 cup of milk (could be whole or fat tree milk, or anything in between)

Put sugar into small saucepan and heat on the top of the stove at medium low temperature. Do not leave it unattended it could burn quickly. When almost all sugar is liquefied and some of it gets a brown color, add milk slowly and continue stirring until it boils. After that pour this natural sore throat remedy into a cup, let it stand for a few minutes, until it is warm, then drink it in small sips.

If you like caramel milk, you can enjoy its creamy, sweet taste all year round. It could be consumed either cold or hot. You do not need to be sick to have it.